
Congratulations to our CFE Writers!

The CFE, or Common Final Exam, is a grueling 3-day exam that takes everything a writer has just to survive. It is the culmination of an under-grad degree, articling time, work-experience, and modules. It is one of the last hurdles to becoming a CPA, and for many, it ranks as one of the most important days in their life.

Every year, our office comes together and we hold our collective breath while we wait for the results to come in. For many, they relive the day they got their own results – the feeling never leaves.

“The Common Final Examination (CFE) is a three-day examination requiring candidates to demonstrate depth and breadth of competency development in accordance with the CPA Competency Map.” From CPA Canada.

As a teaching firm, much of what we do is centered around helping our students learn and develop as much as possible, while providing best-in-class service to our amazing clients. Students are provided with a peer ‘buddy’ and a mentor – but with the firm’s focus on learning and growth – anyone is available to help. Add in a rigorous prep program and paid study leave – the CFE is the sole focus of our writer’s lives for an extended period, which puts results day as one of the most anticipated days of their lives.

We are so proud of our writers and of everything they have invested to get to this point in their careers.