Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
An IPP is a tax-deferred savings vehicle used to invest and save for retirement. Contributions are tax-deductible and made directly from the corporation. Similar to an…

Psychology of Selling Your Business
Whether you’re an established business proprietor, a generational business owner, or an entrepreneur, you’ve put your heart and soul into building your company. Still, there comes…

Staying Calm When Markets are Volatile
Why Avoiding Short-Term Performance Figures Can be a Sound Strategy In times of economic turbulence, it’s normal to feel apprehensive when you’re about to read your…

How to Financially Prepare for Divorce
How Jane Financially Prepared for Divorce Jane is divorced. Going through divorce was a difficult time, not just for her but for her entire family.…

UHT Essentials
To File or Not to File, That is the Question The Underutilized Housing Tax (UHT) is a recent policy introduced by the Canadian government in an…

What is a Trusted Contact Person
We aim to protect the older and the vulnerable clients from financial exploitation and diminishing mental capacity. As the new year begins, there’s no better time…

12 Days of Wealthmas Wrap Up
Did you see our 12 Days of Wealthmas series on Social Media?