Personalized Tax Planning & Advisory

Proper tax planning is an important step for your M&A transactions. Meeting with your tax consultant early can ensure you are able to claim allowable deductions and reduce the overall tax burden. At KBH, we have worked with numerous clients to ensure their tax plan is ready for their M&A transaction.


    Buy Side  icon-blog-previous-next

    • Consultation on the appropriate corporate structure taking into account
      • Number of owners
      • Structure of ownership (individual & holding corporation)
      • Future dividends
      • Future exit planning
    • Considerations include
      • Use of family trusts
      • Use of holding companies
      • Accessing the capital gains exemption

    Sell Side  icon-blog-previous-next

    • Consultation on the appropriate corporate structure taking into account
      • Timing and the estimated date of your M&A transaction
      • Accessing the capital gains exemption
      • Estimating after tax proceeds on sale
      • Deferral of income taxes (reserves)
      • Earn out and consulting agreements